.Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Y
My Christmas ended just like that.. ):

I spent the first half of my Christmas eve in the ward working. We were allowed to leave half an hour early so that gives me more time to prepare! Went home straight and started preparing for the rest of my night.
Went down to Bugis and met up with
Joey and
Leong Chun. Watched "I am Legend". The show was nice. And it ended at 12mn. So much for planning to countdown after the movie. We all then walked over to Paradiz where the guys played billard[or was it snooker?] while me and
Lynn had a short game of Bishi Bashi at the arcade.
Supposed to leave the place at 2am because I didn't tell my mum properly that I actually intended to stay out the whole night. That resulted in quite a few phone calls that was asking me to go home soon.
The rest left for home after the game while me and
Eli slacked at Starbucks @ TheCathay because he had to wait for Jay, Matthew, JJ and his girlfriend. He didn't say he was with me and I was planning to leave before they came but I saw them while I was on my way to the restroom.
They were all tempting me to stay for that 2-3 more hours because of the expensive cab fare. But yet, I guess 4am was the limit. My mum said she was staying up. So no choice, gotta leave for home.
I gotta go back to work tomorrow. ):
waiting for you right here
12:01:00 AM
.Friday, December 21, 2007 Y
I was late for work today. I woke up at 12pm when work starts at 12pm.
And the best part is, I stepped into the ward and saw one of the sisters on duty.
But, she didn't scold me or whatsoever. Phew.
Work was relaxing today. I guess because its a public holiday. And there was only 3 patients in the whole ward. Wee~
CHINNYI! I MISS YOU! Please tell me you'll be free soon. =(
waiting for you right here
12:02:00 AM
.Wednesday, December 19, 2007 Y
6 more weeks to go! Tomorrow's a public holiday and I've gotta work. What makes it worse is that, I'm the only student on afternoon shift. sigh~
At least I've got my Christmas and New Year's days off. The rest weren't that lucky.
I'm so looking forward to the end of the 6 weeks. Why did the school extend the PRCP from 6 weeks to 12? double sigh~
I haven shopped for christmas gifts yet. Last weekend I was stuck at home due to the rashes I've got over the weekends. How great. And after I've spent $40 at the doctor's on Sunday, it recovered completely on Monday morning. The doctor didn't even give any medicine for the rashes. It was some anti-itch medication some more. Now they're lying on my table, untouched. Zzz.
I'm only left with one weekend to do so. Scratch that. I only have one day left to do so. Saturday night is dinner at my grandma's place. For the tang yuan festival.
waiting for you right here
10:34:00 PM
.Saturday, December 15, 2007 Y

I survived my night shifts! Now I know why nurses actually don't mind doing night shifts and some even request for permanent night shift. If everyone is well and okay, its not busy. The only busy times are medication times. So yups, I enjoyed my night shifts.
My first night was alot more happening though. I spiked a bag of blood that was prepared for infusion with a staff nurse. I helped her hold the end of the line as that one cannot put on any surface to prevent contamination. She was clearing the air and she happily let the blood run which resulted in overflowing and the bottom right of my uniform got the blood. Eew. Spent the first hour trying to wash off the blood.
Second night.. we were allowed to use the MSN there. Haha. So it was more like, spending my night in the hospital and not working. =x
So after two nights, I'm having my weekends off. Wee~ Going to spend the weekends doing my christmas shopping with my mum. Hehe. =)
waiting for you right here
1:32:00 AM
.Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Y

Haven been updating because life have been pretty mundane. Its all about going for attachments and heading home as fast as possible to rest early. What makes it worse is that, all my shifts for the past week is all afternoon shifts. How nice. Afternoon shifts are the worse. I cant even plan to do anything.
Worked on last Sunday. Surprisingly, Sundays aren't that busy. Afterall, the doctors don't come in on Sundays to look at the patients unless something realli happens to them. But time passed so slowly for me that day. Reason being I went to work with only having slept for a short 2 hours. Report taking was the worse part. I dozed off.
And I've got to report to work for this coming Hari Raya Haji. I'm praying hard that time will pass as quickly as it did on Sunday. I've asked them to leave my Christmas PH alone. So yea, I can have fun! YAY!
waiting for you right here
12:23:00 AM